Gear Cycle


Quick Inquiry
Speed 30km/hour
Battery Capacity 36V/10AH Li-ion Battery
Charging Time 2.5 to 3 Hours
Range 35 to 40 km & 80 km Charge
Motor 250 Watt , HUB Motor
Gears Auto Gear
Loading Capacity 80 to 90 KG


Quick Inquiry
Speed 30km/hour
Battery Capacity 36V/10AH Li-ion Battery
Charging Time 2.5 to 3 Hours
Range 35 to 40 km & 80 km Charge
Motor 250 Watt , HUB Motor
Gears Auto Gear
Loading Capacity 80 to 90 KG


Quick Inquiry
Speed 25km/hour
Battery Capacity 24V/10AH Li-ion Battery
Charging Time 2.5 to 3 Hours
Range 20 to 30 km per Charge
Motor 250 Watt Motor
Gears Auto Gear
Loading Capacity 70 to 80 KG